Year 10 Academy of Sport - Cricket

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Meredith.

Year 10 Academy of Sport - Cricket

The Academy of Sport aims to develop the skills, attitude, fitness, fundamental movement patterns, and tactical awareness of each member of the group. These skills will be essential if the student is to reach the goal of playing for the First XI.

The Year 10 course is a step up from Year 9 Academy of Sport course focusing on ongoing development of key sport specific skills, performance culture, character, leadership and holistic behaviours associated with successful long-term athlete development.

There are three Academy of Sport sessions within the timetable. Students will receive age and stage appropriate sessions delivered by expert coaches in all technical, tactical, physical and mental components to ensure each member of the group can realise their potential in the current school year.

Fitness sessions will take place in our purpose-built fitness centre and will primarily focus on embedding fundamental movement skills, conditioning and strength development.

The programme will include

  • One Strength and Conditioning session per cycle
  • Two Sports specific sessions per cycle

Entry Criteria

Entry into the Year 10 Academy of Sport is subject to selection/consideration. 


All current Year 9 Academy of Sport athletes will be assessed on attitude, effort, behaviour and improvement. Should these categories be assessed as satisfactory by your coach, you will automatically be offered a place in the year 10 AOS program. Please select your 10AOS program as part of your option selection.


All current Year 9 students who are not in the Academy of Sport will be provided with the opportunity to apply to trial for the 10 AOS course. Communication regarding this trial will be sent out on the Year 9 TEAMS page closer to the time of the Trial - Term 4.

Should you be successful your subjects will be changed thereafter.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

$160 - this covers coaches, resources and hire costs.

Students in the Academy of Sport will be required to purchase the Academy of Sport sports uniform from the uniform shop.

It is a requirement that students who are part of the Academy of Sport play for a Westlake Boys High School team. It is an expectation that students will continue to play sport for school teams in their selected sport.



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.