Year 10 English - Extension

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Meredith.

Year 10 English Extension

Year 10 English Extension is a course that develops key skills and competencies for success in the senior school and is the second year in a dedicated pathway leading towards the Scholarship assessment. The course provides a focus on enrichment, while providing a breadth of understanding across a range of language and literature topics. Foremost, there is a focus on the engagement of students by instilling a passion for the language and ideas associated with literature and cultural texts. In terms of the selection of texts, there will be a necessary emphasis put upon literature which has weight and depth, and there will be an immediate effort to provide variety and breadth across multiple genres and periods. Texts include novels, non-fiction, poetry and short stories, Shakespearean drama and visual text. 

Students learn to use and respond to English language and literature through personal reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and presenting. Students will be challenged to think about literature critically and perceptively in an informed way. Personal response and individual thought will be prized alongside precision and technical expertise.   


English is assessed through term marks made up of in class unit tests and assignments, and the marks contribute to the Mid-Year Examinations (counting 33% of the marks for the year) and End of Year Examinations (counting 67% of the marks for the year). These marks will count towards the students overall ranking in the year group.

Course Overview

Term 1
We begin the 10ENGE year with a unit focusing on Cultural Identity. Students will investigate bicultural and multicultural literature, focusing on Māori narratives and analysing ideas of nationhood, whakapapa, personal identity, and community. Students are encouraged to reflect on how they fit in within their own communities, and how they express or respond to the bicultural world in which we live. After analysing the variety of short texts presented, the students will compete a piece of writing which focuses on their own cultural narrative, which is then subsequently assessed. After this, students will study written text(s), either a novel, short stories or a collection of poetry. Students will respond to this written text through essay writing.

Term 2
The focus of Term 2 is the Mid-Year Exams, which give teachers a great insight into how students have progressed after Term 1. We begin the term by revising reading comprehension skills, analysing unfamiliar texts and identifying language features, parts of speech and the effect of these. In the exam, students will complete a reading comprehension paper and an essay, responding to their studied written text. After these exams, the rest of the term will be spent on a Shakespearean drama unit. During this unit, students will revisit Shakespeare's language and study the play, Julius Caesar.

Term 3
In Term 3, students will complete a wide reading to connections unit, where students read a variety of self-selected texts which share a similar thematic or genre connection to the texts studied in Terms 1 and 2. This is followed by a visual text unit where students will watch and analyse a film. They will be looking at how directors utilise a variety of film techniques and conventions to create meaning. This close analysis will lead into an essay response and provide inspiration for their Speaking Assessment in Term 4.

Term 4
In Term 4, students will write and perform a speech based on their understanding of the film they have watched and analysed in class. Students will also begin revising for their exams. This revision will be focused on reading comprehension, reinforcing conventions of essay writing, and grammar skills. The exam is made up of a reading comprehension section, and an essay response on their studied film.

Entry Criteria

All students in Year 10 will complete a course in English.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

The expectations required of the students and texts reflect the nature of Enrichment English. Enrichment includes the study of several novels and short stories, classical literature and poetry, historical Shakespearean plays, and advanced language text.

As this course makes extensive use of digital learning material. It is expected that you will have a laptop or other suitable learning device available for each class when required.



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.