Year 11 Mathematics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Davis.

Year 11 Mathematics

This is the core element of Year 11 Elevate Mathematics. Ākonga will cover the essentials of Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space, and time.
Statistics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data.
Year 11 Mathematics will explore how these two disciplines are related, but involve different ways of thinking and solving problems. Ākonga on this course will cover key content in both areas to ensure that they are best equipped with effective means for modelling, analysing, and interpreting the world in which they live. 

Our 11 Elevate programme is designed to ensure that all ākonga are prepared to specialise in their chosen mathematical or statistical pathway from Year 12.

Common Q&A

Q: I want to be an engineer, can I do that if I am in "core maths"?

A: Yes, the course is designed so that doors are not closed off. If you are intending on studying engineering, you must focus on your algebraic content as this forms the basis of all engineering. There is often also a requirement for you to study Physics, so please make sure you check with possible future tertiary institutions. You may want to talk to careers about this if you are unsure.

Q: Why do we have to study statistics? I don't want to be a statistician when I leave school.

A: The skills of being statistically literate are highly transferable into any field of work. Being able to understand data and the information you can draw from it is vital, especially in a world where disinformation is so readily spread across social media platforms and news outlets. Statistics is a vital part of developing your critical thinking skills.

Assessment Structure

Term 1: Project

Term 2: Exam/Test (Mid Year Exam)

Term 3: Project

Term 4: Exam/Test (End of Year Exam)

Course Overview

Term 1

By the end of the term ākonga will be able to identify, describe, and use key features of geometric concepts in a variety of different contexts, with a focus on angle properties, transformations of shapes, and right-angled triangles..

Term 2
Number, Algebra and Measurement:

By the end of the term ākonga will be able to apply key Algebra skills to a broad range of contexts including problems in Number and Measurement. Ākonga will be required to show what they have learnt within a formal exam setting.

Term 3
Probability and Statistics:

By the end of the term ākonga should understand the fundamentals of experimental and theoretical probabilities including when conditions are applied. Ākonga will also be able to explore, collect and critically analyse a data set to answer an investigative question such as looking for a relationship between variables or making a comparison between groups.
Ākonga will be required to demonstrate this through a report to be presented in a format of their choice

Term 4
Graphs and Algebra:

By the end of the term ākonga will have developed their algebraic understanding of graphs. They will be able to explain, interpret and communicate their working and reasoning when solving problems involving context. Ākonga will be assessed in a formal examination setting.

Entry Criteria

All students study a mathematics course in Year 11.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

As this course makes extensive use of digital learning material. It is expected that you will have a laptop or other suitable learning device available for each class when required.



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.