Year 11 Digital Technologies Programming Extension

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. O'Brien.

Year 11 Digital Technologies Programming Extension

This course covers four aspects:

1. Algorithms

2. Programming

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

4. Networks and Systems

Please see the Term guide below for details.

Course Overview

Term 1

In this topic algorithm design and selection approaches algorithm design and selection approaches, you will learn fundamental concepts related to algorithms, including their applications in computer science, efficient design, and analysis techniques. You will acquire skills to design and implement algorithms for common problems, such as sorting and searching, and explore various approaches to algorithm design and selection. The course covers the operation of algorithms on various data structures, including arrays and trees, providing you with a deeper understanding of their functionality. Through practical exercises and problem-solving tasks, yous will develop proficiency in analytical and experimental methods for solving algorithmic problems.

Term 2

This course is based on developing an understanding of C++ and focuses on equipping you with the skills and knowledge to create efficient and effective programs that perform a specified task. With a strong emphasis on programming structures, testing and debugging, you will also learn how to ensure that the program is flexible, robust and meets conventions which are used in everyday life.

Term 3
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

This course provides an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its various subfields, with a particular focus on neural networks. You will learn the fundamentals of neural networks, including their architecture, activation functions, and training methods, and will develop the skills to build and improve neural networks using C++.

Term 4
Networks and Systems

This covers fundamental concepts of computer networking, including protocols, topologies, and the OSI model. Through hands-on activities and real-world examples, you will gain practical experience in configuring networks, utilizing cloud storage, programming with sockets, and working with the TCP/IP protocol suite

Entry Criteria

If you wish to take this course you need to select the 11DTP course.

Staff in The Digital Technology Department will select students for this Extension course based on the following criteria:



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.