Westlake Boys High School Westlake Boys High School

Year 10 Food Science (first choice)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Mendoza.

Year 10 Food Science

Food Science studies offer students the chance to develop an understanding of the factors that influence the well-being of both themselves and other age groups. It has a strong focus on preparing students with the knowledge, design thinking and practical skills required for the Year 11 Food and Hospitality course. 

Students will work through skills based and investigative projects which involve both practical and theory lessons that are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum and technology strands.

Units of work include: 

  • Getting Started - Hygiene and safety within the kitchen, knowledge of nutritional guidelines, ingredients and nutrients
  • Make it Healthy - Student will research, design, develop and evaluate a healthier version of a popular sweet treat that satisfies the needs of a teacher at Westlake Boys High school.


Food Science is assessed using the National Curriculum Capability criteria. Students will identify and practice the essential skills required for success in the range of Technology courses offered in the senior school.

Course Overview

Semester A
Unit 1 - Getting Started and Food Safety
This unit will involve:
• reviewing your prior knowledge in food technology.
• Practicing your knife and cooking skills.
• Producing safe food for stakeholders.

Unit 2 - Make it Healthy!
In this unit of work, we will about Nutrition and apply this knowledge to improve popular sweet treats and developing an outcome for a stakeholder.

Semester B
Unit 1 - Getting Started and Food Safety
This unit will involve:
• reviewing your prior knowledge in food technology.
• Practicing your knife and cooking skills.
• Producing safe food for stakeholders.

Unit 2 - Make it Healthy!
In this unit of work, we will about Nutrition and apply this knowledge to improve popular sweet treats and developing an outcome for a stakeholder.

Learning Areas:

Design & Innovation, Year 10 Technology (Group 2 Option)


Year 11 Food and Hospitality, Year 11 Robotics

Studying Food Technology in Year 10 can lead to explore a career in Food Technology, Food Science, Culinary Arts or Hospitality.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

As this course makes extensive use of digital learning material. It is expected that you will have a laptop or other suitable learning device available for each class when required.

A course fee is required for Project Materials.


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.