Westlake Boys High School Westlake Boys High School

Year 10 Media & Society

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs C. de Wit.

Entry Criteria

Year 10 Media & Society is a compulsory half-year course for all Year 10 students.

Year 10 Media and Society

The Year 10 Media & Society course runs over two cycles to build and develop on media knowledge. The course comprises of two modules focusing on close reading and genre study, both modules will include a practical element. 

Through the study of Media Consumption, students will investigate their own media use and the role that the media plays in our lives and its relationship with wider society. During Module 2, students will complete a study on Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation. The next unit will be studying the Horror Genre which will involve developing an understanding of the genre through creating their own short film.

Students will work collaboratively throughout the course and should be prepared to think critically about the media that they consume.


This course is assessed using the Key Competencies.  Students are assessed at the end of each module based on their ability to work collaboratively and will be based on teacher observation and evidence such as completion of class work, homework, group work, design & plan, finished media product.

Students are not required to complete a Mid-Year or End-of-Year examination.

This course does not offer NCEA credits.

Level 1 and level 2 production pictures:

Course Overview

Term 1
Cycle 1

Module 1: Consumption
In this module students will gain an understanding of what social media really is, how we use it and how this affects society around us. We will reflect on our own social media habits and reflect on this by watching The Social Dilemma. These skills will be transferred to a Public Service Announcement poster which they will present to their peers.

Term 2
Cycle 1

Module 2: Close Reading and Production
Developing close reading skills through the study of News Media
Practical film-making and group collaboration skills by producing a short News segment based on their choice as well as producing a Horror Scene.

Term 3
Cycle 2

Module 1: Consumption
In this module students will gain an understanding of what social media really is, how we use it and how this affects society around us. We will reflect on our own social media habits and reflect on this by watching The Social Dilemma. These skills will be transferred to a Public Service Announcement poster which they will present to their peers.

Term 4
Cycle 2

Module 2: Close Reading and Production
Developing close reading skills through the study of News Media
Practical film-making and group collaboration skills by producing a short News segment based on their choice as well as producing a Horror Scene.

Learning Areas:

English, Year 10 Finance and Media


Year 11 Media Studies

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

As this course makes extensive use of digital learning material. It is expected that you will have a laptop or other suitable learning device available for each class when required.


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.