Westlake Boys High School Westlake Boys High School

Level 3 Photography

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Whaea A. Jelicich.

Entry Criteria

To gain entry into Level 3 Photography the successful completion of a Level 2 course in Art is beneficial.

Students must also meet the requirements to study a Level 2 NCEA Award.

It is recommended that you have prior experience with digital technologies and are computer proficient, as work produced in this course is done through using Adobe Photoshop. 

Students are required to have their own DSLR camera and a device capable of running the Adobe creative cloud software to take this subject.

Level 3 Photography

By building upon their own photographic art practice and visual literacy, students can deepen their understanding of contemporary Art Photography. Creating, analysing, and presenting their own photographic artworks provides a hands-on approach to learning and allows them to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.

Encouraging students to problem-solve, free-think, and explore through their photographic practice fosters critical thinking and creativity. This approach empowers students to develop their artistic voice, experiment with different techniques and styles, and push the boundaries of traditional photography.

By engaging in this process, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the art form and gain confidence in their abilities as photographers. It also prepares them for future artistic endeavours or potential careers in the creative industries. 

By the end of the year, students will create a large three panel printed portfolio submission.

Learning Areas:

Year 13 Visual and Performing Arts, Art

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

Students will need their own digital SLR camera.

Course costs involve a $10 Adobe User License to use Adobe CC programs on the school computers. In addition, students may wish to have Adobe CC on their personal computers at an additional cost. Students are also required to pay a resource fee to have their folio panels printed at the end of the year.

This course makes significant use of digital learning material at various times during the year. It is advantageous for a student to have a laptop during these times. Some learning activities, including assessments, will not be able to be completed without a laptop.


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.