Year 11 Geography

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Clarke.

Year 11 Geography

The Year 11 Geography course will offer a view of the physical and cultural (human) world. We will look at interactions between people and the world in which we live. 

Year 11 Geography will cover issues that we face at national and global levels as well as looking at solutions to these issues. We will be identifying perspectives and how we can adopt new technologies to improve the world around us. We will investigate 4 main themes.

1) Weather and climate

We will investigate global, national and local climate zones and weather patterns. Students will complete fieldwork research regarding microclimates. This includes a visit to the Tongariro Crossing in Term 1.

2) Extreme Natural Events

We will explain the causes behind Extreme Natural Events, the impacts and responses to these events. Examples of case studies can include tropical cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic activity or avalanches.

3) Population

Population themes include distribution, diversity, change, migration and sustainability. Specific case studies involve the One Child Policy in China, ageing population in Japan, the 'brain drain' from New Zealand to Australia & refugee movements.

4) Environmental management

Students will investigate the causes, impacts and solutions relating to environmental issues. Our study of the Kaipara catchment will be supported by a fieldtrip to research the impacts on land and marine ecosystems.

Entry Criteria

Year 11 Geography is an open entry course.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

There will be charges for the fieldtrips to Takapuna & the Kaipara Harbour.



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.