Social Sciences

Social Sciences Faculty

The Social Sciences are about how societies work and how people can participate as critical, active, informed, and responsible citizens. The Social Sciences learning area is vital in developing students who are able to understand, participate in, and contribute to the local, national and global communities in which we live and work.

Students develop an understanding of diverse cultures and identities. They learn how the responses of people and communities are shaped by different perspectives, values and viewpoints, and they develop respect for these different ways of thinking. They are also encouraged to ask questions, explore and analyse, reflect on and evaluate their own thinking. This all encourages the development of competencies needed for study, work and lifelong learning. We aim to develop well-rounded students who are connected to the world around them, are active members of their local and global communities, and who face all challenges with integrity and respect. We aim to develop the students' higher order thinking skills, encouraging inquiry and innovation at all times.

Social Sciences are a fundamental part of all students' education. The various learning areas help students to connect to different communities and become active, aware and well-informed citizens. They are able to form their own opinions on various local, national and global issues, and also see the merits of others viewpoints. Social Sciences encourage inquiry, diversity, participation, sustainability and respect, all values and principles which underpin The New Zealand Curriculum.