Year 11 Music

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr W. Robinson.

Year 11 Music

The Year 11 Elevate Music Course involves Performance, Composition, Musical Knowledge, Aural and Theory. The focus of the course is expanding and enriching our most able musicians so that they are fully ready for the Level 2 Music standards offered in Year 12. 

If you are a part of the Elevate Music course it is expected that you are learning an instrument (or voice) outside of class - this is because solo and group performance assessments make up a high proportion of the marks in this course; you will need to be able to perform to a high standard in front of an audience of your peers. You will learn a variety of different aural techniques which will enable you to more clearly hear the foundations of the music you are playing. You will also learn to write, understand and reproduce musical scores. You'll also study two highly interesting pieces of music - learning about them will increase your awareness of several important aspects of music. Finally, you will spend quite a lot of time creating your own music in various styles (you'll get full training in how to do this)


Performances (Solo & Group), compositions, and music history will all be assessed using common assessment tasks (Internals)

Score Reading and Aural will be assesed during school exams.

Entry Criteria

This course is open entry for all students.

Year 11 Music is an open entry course, however, students should give consideration to which course (Year 11 Music Option or Year 11 Music Contemporary) would be the music appropriate. 

Students selecting the 11MUS course should be fairly fluent in reading music, and be having lessons on an instrument (or voice) which they are capable of performing on to at least Grade 3 level. In practice this usually means that the student should have been learning their instrument for around 3 years.  

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

As this course makes extensive use of digital learning material. It is expected that you will have a laptop or other suitable learning device available for each class when required.


An education in music can lead to many career pathways because musical discipline is a highly transferable skill. Careers may include (but are not limited to) audio technician, music studio production, live-sound production, film-score composer, music editor, music/entertainment journalism, media liaison, communications, music education, tutor, etc. Students with a background in high level performance music are also renowned in many university faculties for their discipline and ability to work in teams, studies in music are highly favoured in the admissions process for many non-music courses at university.


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.