Year 11 Science Core

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Hooks.

Year 11 Science Core

Interested in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science, or all of these? This course provides students with a rich background for all Senior Sciences, covering biological, physical and chemical concepts across a range of contexts.

Students are assessed through a variety of practical activities, group work and written examinations throughout the year. The structure of these assessments will familiarise students with the style of NCEA Level 2 assessments in Year 12.

It is strongly recommended that students wishing to study any Senior Science subject in Year 12 choose 11SCI as an option.

Students wishing to take 11 Investigative Science as an option must also select 11 Science Core.


Can I still do extension sciences in Year 12 if I am only in 11 Science Core?

Yes! As long as you meet the criteria for entry into the Year 12 extension course.

Course Overview

Term 1
Topic 1 Reactions in The Natural World
This topic explores the structure of plants at a microscopic level, providing opportunities to investigate the rates of processes within them. Learn how different factors can affect the rates of common chemical reactions across a range of contexts related to the natural world.

Term 2
Topic 2 Exploring Our World and Beyond
Our bold ancestors have navigated their way across the Pacific and around the world. This topic investigates the physics of motion as related to human exploration and how astronomical cycles are associated with these endeavours.

Term 3
Topic 3 Forensic Science
Forensic scientists use their scientific skills and knowledge to search for evidence at crime scenes. This topic will explore how microbes and DNA can be used to provide evidence, while also investigating how chemical reactions, colours and flame tests can help determine the chemical composition of unknown substances.

Term 4
Topic 4 It’s Getting Hot In Here
Our world is warming, but how can this happen? In this topic, we look at the ideas behind energy, heat transfer, electricity and carbon chemistry to explain how and why climate change occurs.

Entry Criteria

Level 1 Science Core is an open entry course.

Students will be guided into the appropriate Science course based on either their Year 9 and/or Year 10 results by the HOF Science.

Students who have very high results will be offered extension through the Science Core - Extension programme (11SCIE). Students who meet the entry criteria (provisionally, a High Merit Overall level of Performance in Year 10 Science) can also extend themselves by selecting 11 Investigating Science (11SCIN) as a second option.

Please note that it is not possible to take Year 11 Investigative Science (11SCIN) without also selecting 11 Science. This ensures that students receive a broad base of Science understanding before specialisation.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

Costs are limited to workbook resources. There are no trips or other expenses throughout the year.
Students are expected to have basic stationery:
- Workbook
- Pens and pencils
- Ruler
- Scientific calculator



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.