Year 11 Investigative Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs C. Phillips.

Year 11 Investigative Science

Year 11 Investigative Science is designed to develop higher level practical and investigation skills for students considering extension sciences in Year 12. The material in the course is both complementary and supplementary to the concepts covered in the 11 Science Core and Core Extension options.


Students must select 11 Science Core as an option before selecting 11 Investigative Science as their second option of Science.

Sophisticated concepts from Biology, Chemistry and Physics along with topics in Core Science will be studied in greater depth, while undertaking more challenging experimental techniques and performing in-depth analysis of results using both quantitative and qualitative viewpoints.

Students who undertake this course should have a high level of literacy and be very confident in their mathematical skills, particularly in algebra and graphical analysis.

Course Overview

Term 1
Topic 1 Investigating in Chemistry and Biology 1
Humans depend on the propagation of plants and the extraction of their compounds every day. In this topic, students will look at plant processes in depth, while practising chemical techniques required to yield plant-based compounds.

Term 2
Topic 2 Investigating in Physics 1
Observing and analysing, forming theories and modelling our ideas are important ways of communicating in Science. In this topic, students will study heat and heat transfer, while practically measuring the effects that heat has on different substances in different situations. Their findings will then be linked to biological and chemical contexts.

Term 3
Topic 3 Investigating in Chemistry and Biology 2
During this topic, students will develop specific experimental techniques in Chemistry and Biology, and relate findings from the use of these techniques to everyday contexts.
• Learn the quantitative skills and techniques of an analytical chemist by investigating and analysing everyday, and not so everyday, solutions.
• Investigate the life process of nutrition by following a mammal’s food on the digestive journey from mouth to anus, while developing laboratory skills to investigate food and digestion in detail.

Term 4
Topic 4 Investigating in Physics 2
It is important for students to recognise that individual sciences do not stand alone, with the understanding of one science impacting and/or building on the knowledge and observations in other fields. This topic looks at radioactivity and nuclear processes through the three different lenses of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Entry Criteria

Year 11 Investigative Science is a limited entry course.

Students must select 11SCI Core Science as well as 11SCIN to ensure a strong foundation for sciences in Year 12.

Due to limited numbers accepted into the course, students will need to show a thorough understanding of Junior Science concepts. Students must aim to have an overall level of performance at Excellence level in Year 10, along with strong literacy and mathematical skills.

 The final decision on entry into Year 11 Investigative Science will:

  • occur after the End of Year Junior School Examinations and 
  • depend on academic results from Year 9 and Year 10



Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.