Year 11 Sociology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Bennett.

Year 11 Sociology 

Undergraduate Certificate in Sociology | Institute of Continuing Education  (ICE)

Course description

Sociology looks at how people interact with one another, the institutions they create, and the cultural beliefs and practices that shape their lives. It aims to understand why inequalities exist and how to make the world a more just place to live. 

Sociology and Anthropology | Sociology | About The...

The purpose of this course it to create students that:

  • reflect on who they are, what their values are, and how this drives their decision making.
  • reflect on their place in the world, and their rights and responsibilities. 
  • are exposed to different perspectives and new ways of thinking.
  • understand that people hold different perspectives on the world depending on their values, traditions, and experiences.
  • are open to new ideas and to challenge their preconceptions.
  • can discuss, debate, reason with others, and logically analyse and evaluate information.
  • have an active role in society and are positively contributing citizens.
  • work collaboratively to design creative solutions for environmental and ethical problems.

Resources and equipment

All students will be issued a workbook for Sociology which will be covered by the course fees. Students will also need a laptop, pens, and highlighters.


Assessments in Sociology will vary for each topic. They will include formal tests and exams, research projects, resource interpretation, and group work. There will be a strong focus on reflection and evaluation. 


Is this course compulsory?

Yes. All of Year 11 will be completing a year of study in Sociology.

Why is this course compulsory?

In this ever-changing world we are experiencing more and more conflict over important local, national, and international issues. We believe that it is important to be able to understand these problems from different perspectives to create long lasting solutions. In Sociology you will have the opportunity to develop the skills required to understand various viewpoints, fully explain your own, and play an active role in society. 

How often will I have sociology lessons?

You will have sociology 4 times in the 6-day cycle.

What does this course lead to?

All Level 2 NCEA subjects across the school. 

Can I also take Geography and History with this course?

Yes absolutely. They are very different subjects which cover different content and skills. 

Course Overview

Term 1
"Who am 1?" Values, perspectives, and philosophy

Term 2
"Who am I as a young man?" - Masculinity and Mental Health

Term 3
"Who am I as a New Zealander and a global citizen?" - Youth participation in society and social action

Term 4
Researching different perspectives on contentious and controversial issues, and developing your own views.


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.