Level 2 Business Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Keen.

Level 2 Business Studies

Studying business will equip students with real world skills of effectively gather and analyse data for business decision-making. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical exercises, students learn various market research techniques, including survey design, data collection methods, and data analysis. They explore different sources of market information, such as primary and secondary research, and understand how to interpret and draw meaningful insights from the collected data.  

Students will continue in their engagement with real-world business activities by collaborating in business groups. They will actively participate in conducting market research, crafting a business plan for a specific business activity, and subsequently executing the planned business venture. 


Group work is a large component of this course.

Students will need to contribute their own start up capital for the 'carry out' internal assessment - this will be a minimum of $20 per student.

Why Study Business Studies:

Business studies creates opportunities for students to:

  • understand the integral role of business in society and the economy
  • explore enterprise culture
  • develop the key competencies of The New Zealand Curriculum through the fostering of such qualities as initiative, resilience, and resourcefulness and the skills of problem solving, co-operation, decision making, negotiation, and communicating
  • gain knowledge and understanding of good business practice and of business as a productive activity
  • acquire greater financial capability.

Large businesses in New Zealand:

 Level 2 Business Studies is a focused exploration of large businesses in New Zealand, specifically those with more than 20 employees, which hold regional or national significance. The course enables students to showcase their comprehension of how and why businesses react to both internal and external influences, and the outcomes resulting from their operational choices. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Students will be working on the first internal assessment in pairs Achievement Standard 2.4 - Market Research for 3 credits. They will also start on Achievement Standard 2.1 - Internal Factors which is an external worth 4 credits.

Term 2
The focus is on Achievement Standard 2.1 and Achievement Standard 2.6 in term 2. Achievement Standard 2.1 will be assessed in the mid-year exams. They will be writing up your business plans and getting ready to carry out cycle #1 - take their product/service to market in early term 3.

Term 3
Cycle #1 will be completed, then the review of what they have done, refine their business plan (V2) which include any improvements they would like to make and to take their product/service to market again. Carry out #2 and the final task, review #2 for Achievement Standard 2.6 will be due at the end of the term. Students will also be working on the learning for Achievement Standard 2.2 - External Factors which is an external worth 4 credits. Both external standards will be assessed in the school exams. There will be some revision in the lead up to the school exams.

Term 4
The focus in term 4 will be about finishing the teaching and learning required for Achievement Standard 2.2 and revision for NCEA exams. This will take place in class and will be structured around the individual learners needs.

Entry Criteria

This course is open entry for all students.

Level 2 Business Studies is an open entry course, however, it is recommended that students choose to study 11COM.

Equipment/Stationery and Course Costs

The carrying out internal assessment activity (2.6) will require a financial commitment, to be used as start up capital.
This course makes significant use of digital learning material at various times during the year. It is advantageous for a student to have a laptop during these times. Some learning activities, including assessments, will not be able to be completed without a laptop.


Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

This course is eligible for NCEA Course Endorsement.

Total Credits Available: 20 credits.
Externally Assessed Credits: 8 credits.
Internally Assessed Credits: 12 credits.

Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
A.S. 90843 v2
Business Studies 2.1 - Demonstrate understanding of the internal operations of a large business
Level: 2
Internal or External: External
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 90844 v3
Business Studies 2.2 - Demonstrate understanding of how a large business responds to external factors
Level: 2
Internal or External: External
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 90846 v2
Business Studies 2.4 - Conduct market research for a new or existing product
Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 3
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 90848 v2
Business Studies 2.6 - Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance
Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 9
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
Credit Summary
Total Credits: 20
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0


Course selection does not guarantee a course will be available or that you have approval to take a course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results and in rare cases, staff availability.